Met brush over te selecteren object en klaar is kees. Ok de mogelijkheid om de selectie aan te passen.
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Features include:
Brings the power and versatility of the Brush tool to making custom selections.
Works like the Lasso tool but with the convenience and control of the Brush tool.
The plugin is also an Object Selection Brush. The painted area can be used to select an object via a unique interface with Photoshop's Object Selection tool
Edit existing selections (add or subtract) or create new ones.
Use Brush Opacity at less than 100% to create partial selections.
Vary Brush Hardness to create hard-edged or feathered selections.
Use the Brush tool's "click-SHIFT-click" function to create perfectly straight selections.
Provides a more logical approach than Photoshop's Quick Mask Mode for painting in or painting out selected areas.
Easily paint partial selections for Generative Fill.
Adjustable user interface allows the buttons to be oriented either horizontally or vertically (see image) to adapt the user's workspace. Simply grab and stretch the sides to do this. The plugin can also be docked on a docking bar and accessed from there.
Users can choose a custom color for the painted overlay and selection indicator (magenta is the default).
Offers a simple user interface, just six buttons.
Easy installation.